What is Cyber Rules?
The starting concept for Cyber Rules is a mobile app for Android and iOS that has an initial set of questions about cyber safety (created by the founder’s 10 year old nephew). Then as a user (age 5 - 17) takes the quiz, they can create a question and answer that will be tagged with a category and added to a database. On the search page, users can see custom lists of cybersecurity related questions by selecting the tags they want.
It’s meant to be an educational app for K-12 so at first it will rely on manual content moderation with supplemental filtering to prevent inappropriate questions. In the future, it may take artificial intelligence to be able to approve of all the valid questions, and even provide helpful feedback to the user on how to improve their proposed question and answer.
This is meant to be a democratized form of social-media-style input to create a consensus on safe cybersecurity norms for kids. And by making kids the origin of the questions as well as the recipients, it encourages independence from an early age and makes them feel included in the conversation about what’s right and wrong on the Internet.
Contact us
Interested in getting access to the beta to be a part of testing? Or joining the waiting list? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!